2023-24 New Faculty

Bhumika  Chauhan

Bhumika Chauhan

Visiting Lecturer in Sociology

Anthropology and Sociology

I am a Ph.D. candidate in the Department of Sociology at New York University. My research interests lie at the intersection of work, inequality, and social movements. My dissertation explores globalization, automation, and migration through a global labor process approach. Through in-depth interviews, I map the position of workers of a single transnational software firm working in the United States and India. I plan to extend this research by exploring ways of building a transnational labor movement and examining the strategic role of high-skill workers in the labor movement. My other projects include an analysis of the effect of STEM workers on non-STEM workers’ wages. Another ongoing collaborative project investigates racial disparities in experiences of precarious work. I have previously worked on a project on the impact of programming on the gender wage gap. I was born and raised in India and received most of my academic training there. My research before the Ph.D., which continues to shape my thinking about teaching, asked how anti-caste and feminist social justice movements in India influenced critical pedagogical practices in the classroom. I was also very active in my graduate workers union at NYU, and I am always up for discussing organizing strategies and attempts at radical social change.

Faculty Profile