Accounting and Reporting

Accounting and Reporting

  1. For Federal Funding
    • The controller’s office keeps accounts, files intermediate financial reports as required for federal funds, and files final financial reports at the end of grant period.
    • The principal investigator is responsible for filing a summary of research results with the funding agency as required with copy to the grants office.
    • Requests for an extension of a grant period may be filed through the grants office, or directly with the granting institution.  Budget revisions should be requested in writing to the director of the grants office.
  2. For Private Funding
    • The controller’s office keeps the financial accounts.
    • The principal investigator/project director, with the assistance of the grants office, submits all required reports to the funder, including intermediate and final narrative and financial reports.
    • Copies of all intermediate and final reports should be filed in the grants office.