In a September 15, 2020 letter titled “Updates from the CAP Regarding Evaluation Procedures,” the CAP invited all assistant professors to describe the impact of COVID-19 on their teaching and scholarship or creative work, either in their annual self-evaluation letters in non-decision years; or in their personal statements submitted as part of their reappointment and tenure dossiers.
This list, which is not exhaustive, provides some examples of factors that may have impacted your work since March 2020.
- Inability to access materials necessary for scholarship including travel and field research.
- Closure of laboratory and studio spaces.
- Cancelation of conferences, invited talks, performances, and exhibitions, etc.
- Delayed readers’ reports and delayed publishing schedules from presses and journals.
- Inability to lean on teaching methods that have been successful in the past.
- Added teaching demands (e.g., teaching in new formats, additional new course preparations).
- Inability to work with students on scholarly activities in the same ways.
- Delayed or interrupted input from collaborators, mentors, and other key colleagues.
Please feel free to include any other information you would like to share with your unit and the CAP. Feel free to respond in bulleted form if that is easier.