Meetings and Deadlines for Academic Unit Chairs
These meetings and deadlines can also be found on the Google Chairs Calendar. To subscribe to this calendar in Google, please click here.
That calendar will be updated with the most up-to-date and complete information throughout the year. You can also download a PDF version of the calendar.
For more details and guidelines on annual tasks, see the Chairs’ Handbook and Annual and Long-Term Tasks.
Tuesday, June 4, 2024, 10:30am-2pm: New Chairs Orientation: The Work of the Chair. Cosponsored by the Dean of the Faculty’s Office and OIDEI. All in Hopkins 400.
Monday, July 1: Due to Chairs – Tenure materials from assistant professors that are being considered for tenure in the fall.
In Early August, Chairs of units hiring tenure-line positions submit final job announcements for the composite advertisement to Peony Fhagen, José Constantine, Laurie Booth and Rakan Safa.
Monday, August 5: Due to Chairs: Reappointment materials from assistant professors being considered for reappointment
Friday, August 9: Chairs notify the Dean of the Faculty’s Office of their interest in participating in the Bolin Fellowship search process.
FALL 2024
Tuesday, August 27: New Faculty Orientation (just FYI; nothing required from chairs).
Wednesday, September 4: Due to Chairs: AP leave report from assistant professors
Wednesday, September 11, 4pm: Faculty Meeting
Wednesday, September 11, 12pm-1pm or Thursday, September 12, 12pm-1pm Chairs’ Lunch discussion on Principles and good practices for faculty evaluation, (come to one) Biology 211/Lounge
Friday, September 13, 12:00pm-4pm – Hiring Workshop (for Chairs hiring in 2024-25): Reviewing Applications and Preparing for the Campus Visit (Faculty House Lounge)
Sunday, September 15: CAP Deadline: reports on assistant professors for whom no decision is pending; unit evaluation procedures
Tuesday, October 1: CAP Deadline: Staffing Report, Part II: Reports and recommendations on reappointment decisions for assistant professors; reports and recommendations on renewal of appointments for lecturers
Wednesday, October 2, 12pm-1pm, (Faculty House) or Thursday, October 3, 12pm-1pm, (Williams Inn), RSVP required: Chairs’ Lunch discussion on Program and department governance: advisory committees and affiliation (come to one), Faculty House Lounge (come to one)
Wednesday, October 9, 4pm: Faculty Meeting
Tuesday, October 15: CAP Deadline: Staffing Report, Part II: Reports and recommendations on promotion/tenure decisions
Monday, October 21, 12pm-1pm, Tuesday, October 22, 12pm-1pm or Wednesday, October 23, 12pm-1pm: Chairs’ Lunch meetings with Maud, New Private (come to one)
Wednesday, October 30: Due to chairs: CV and self-evaluation from associate professors regarding promotion to full professor report.
Monday, November 4, 12pm-1pm (New Private), or Tuesday, November 5, 12pm-1pm (Faculty Lounge): Optional Chairs’ Lunch discussion on curricular planning and course revisions for next year, (come to one)
Wednesday, November 6, 4pm: Faculty Meeting
Friday, November 15: Bolin Fellowship application deadline
Monday, November 18, 4pm-5:15pm or Tuesday, November 19, 4pm-5:15pm. All Chairs’ Meeting: Budget (come to one) Hopkins 001
Wednesday, December 4, 4pm: Faculty Meeting
Mid-December Due: Budget requests for 2025-26
Tuesday, January 7: Optional Chairs’ Lunch discussion: Mentoring, Faculty House Lounge
Wednesday, January 15: CAP Deadline: associate professor 4th-year interim reports; Promotion to full professor reports and recommendations (6th year)
Thursday, January 30, 12pm-1pm or Friday, January 31, 12pm-1pm Optional Chairs’ Lunch discussion on tenure-line staffing requests, Faculty House Lounge (come to one)
Wednesday, February 12, 4pm: Faculty Meeting
Monday, February 17, 4pm-5:30pm or Wednesday, February 19, 4pm-5:30pm: All Chairs’ Meetings, Hopkins 001 (come to one)
Saturday, March 1: CAP Deadline: Staffing Report, Part I: Tenure Line Requests
Early March Due to CEA and the Registrar: Program changes, course descriptions, and course schedule due.
Wednesday, March 5: Optional Chairs’ Lunch discussion on unit dynamics, 12pm-1pm, Faculty House Lounge
Wednesday, March 12, 4pm: Faculty Meeting
Tuesday, April 1: Due to Winter Study Committee: Winter Study course offerings
Wednesday, April 2, 12pm-1pm: Optional Chairs’ Lunch discussion on managing staff, Faculty House Lounge
Wednesday, April 9, 4pm: Faculty Meeting
Tuesday, April 15: CAP Deadline: Staffing Report I: Visiting requests, staffing projections, etc.
Monday, April 14, 12pm-1pm (New Private), Tuesday, April 15, 12pm-1pm (Faculty Lounge) or Wednesday, April 16, 12pm-1pm (New Private), All Chairs’ Lunches (come to one)
Wednesday, April 30, 4pm: Final Chairs’ Meeting Wachenheim 113; Reception hosted by Maud to follow, President’s House
Early May, date TBD Hiring Workshop (for Chairs hiring in 2025-26): Hiring Results, Onboarding, and Retention/Mentoring Plans. Check the Google Chairs Calendar later in the year for the final date.
Wednesday, May 7, 4pm: Faculty Meeting