Quick Overview
- Promotion to full professor and update reports due January 15
- Interim progress reports for associate professors in their fourth year in rank due January 15
- Receive memo regarding staffing proposals for new tenure-track positions due March 1
- Annual Update(s) on Professional Work due; faculty must submit to be eligible for merit raises
- Receive annual instructions on the Curricular Review and begin planning next year’s curriculum
- Hire spring semester undergraduate teaching assistants
Interim progress report for associate professor in 4th year – the full professors of the evaluating unit write a progress report for consideration by the CAP. Faculty Handbook Section II-N
Promotion to full professor reports for associate professors in sixth year in rank is due from full professors of the evaluating unit. Full professors on leave must either participate fully in the evaluation process of all associate professors or submit a letter evaluating the work of each candidate. Faculty Handbook Section II-N
If promotion did not take place in the sixth year, the evaluating unit writes an update in each successive year until promotion takes place. This update provides commentary on the progress made in the intervening year.
If you have a non-tenured faculty member coming up for tenure in the fall of the next academic year, you should consider moving forward with selection of four outside reviewers for scholarship. The official deadline for receipt of all materials (to the chair) to be considered in the process is July 1, but it is good to be thinking of potential reviewers well in advance (Faculty Handbook Section II-M).
You will receive a memo from the Office of the Dean of Faculty’s Office with the details about the Spring Staffing Report (Staffing Report I). Requests for new tenure-track lines are due to the CAP on March 1, and the rest of the staffing report is due in April. Units should begin considering whether they will be making proposals for tenure-track positions.
You will receive annual Curricular Review instructions from the Registrar’s Office in January. Please pay close attention to the deadlines.
You will receive a Winter Study Program (WSP) memo from the dean of faculty’s office. This memo, based on your department/program’s total FTE for the following year, indicates how many Winter Study courses your department/program is required to offer, and how many of those courses may be staffed by adjuncts. Although the Winter Study course offerings are not due until April, you should be aware of this requirement as you plan for the annual Curricular Review.
The “Annual Update on Professional Work” and updated CVs are due to the dean of the faculty. Faculty members who submit these updates are eligible for merit raises the following year.