Quick Overview
- Gather materials from assistant professors being considered for tenure in the fall
- Receive and review instructions for Part II of the Staffing Report, concerning evaluation and review procedures
- Schedule fall meetings with your tenured colleagues to write reports due in early September
- Schedule fall department meetings and new faculty orientation sessions
- Remind faculty members to review their personal data stored in Workday here
You will receive a memo from the dean of the faculty and the vice president for institutional diversity and equity about job advertisements. The memo should come soon after you receive approved staffing allocations from the CAP. Some suggestions are made for the text of your advertisements for new positions, and in all cases you should submit copies of your ad to [email protected] (which cc’s automatically to Peony Fhagen, José Constantine, and Rakan Safa) before submitting them to outlets suitable to your discipline. Please note that in addition to the field-specific advertisements you may place, the College places a consolidated list of all openings in the September/October issues of the Chronicle of Higher Education, the Affirmative Action Register, Diverse Issues in Higher Education, and Hispanic Outlook in Higher Education. In order to meet this “composite ad” deadline, you will need to have the text of your ad copy ready by early August.
For more detailed guidelines, see Faculty Recruiting and Hiring Guidelines
July 1 – deadline: Tenure materials from assistant professors being considered for tenure in the fall are due to chairs.
When the complete package of tenure material has been received, the appropriate materials pertaining to scholarship or artistic production should be forwarded to the outside reviewers. The package should include the candidate’s curriculum vita, a list of his/her publications or artistic works, and the papers themselves.
You will receive instructions for Part II of the annual Staffing Report, which deals with evaluation and review procedures. This memo will include lists of your non-tenured colleagues who are coming up for reappointment or tenure, as well as a list of associate professors coming up for promotion to full professor. Part II of the Staffing Report is not submitted until the fall, with different pieces coming due in September and October. However, it is important to plan ahead for these reports by communicating with those affected and by collecting necessary documentation.
Begin thinking about when to schedule meetings of your tenured colleagues to prepare staffing reports. It is imperative that your first department or evaluation committee meetings be devoted to the expeditious resolution of reports for non-decision faculty, so that the CAP may review these as soon as possible. If you wait until September to do the scheduling to discuss tenure and reappointment decisions for non-tenured faculty, you may find it difficult to get everyone together before the CAP report deadlines. In the event that a Promotion to Full Professor Report is pending, you will also need to schedule separate meetings of full professors only. (See Staffing Report deadlines.)
Remind Assistant Professors who are due for reappointment in the fall that leave proposals—following the format and length of the leave proposal described in Section II-O of the Faculty Handbook—are due on the Wednesday after Labor Day. Thus, approval of AP leaves is contingent on reappointment, but the proposals are due ahead of time.
Remind assistant professors for whom no decision is pending to prepare an updated CV and a statement of self-evaluation.
Remind assistant professors returning from AP leave to submit an AP leave report by September 1.
If your department is considering significant curricular reform to be implemented the following year, it is important to realize that proposals for such substantial revisions should be presented to the CEA during the fall semester. Please bear this in mind when scheduling fall meetings of the department or advisory committee. Although the final Curricular Revisions Report isn’t due to the CEA until late January/early February, it is important to give the CEA a chance to consider your proposal in the fall, thus giving your department or advisory committee time to respond to any recommendations from the CEA.
Schedule orientation meeting(s) for new faculty. There is no specific format for this orientation. Some chairs prefer to meet with all new faculty together, others prefer to have lunch with each new member individually, some do both, and so on. The exact timing of this meeting will depend upon when the new faculty members arrive on campus. As stated in the Faculty Handbook, “Chairs cannot assume that new members of the faculty, coming as they do from a variety of academic backgrounds, know the standards and traditions of the college.” Topics of discussion may include, but are not restricted to: workload, the advising of majors, forms of syllabi, the management of tests and assignment of paper topics, routines of department governance, use of start-up funds and other College accounts, distribution of SCS forms, and/or applications for outside grants. If you have any questions about office space or equipment needs for new faculty, please contact the office of the Dean of the Faculty. There are also a number of orientation events for new faculty.
Please be sure to mention First3 to new faculty. First3 lunches are open to all faculty in their first and second years (including visiting faculty and fellows), and they are held during the noon hour twice each week (Mondays and Thursdays in the fall). If it is possible to schedule young faculty so that they have one of these lunch hours free, they should be able to participate in this valuable program.
In considering scheduling of departmental or advisory committee meetings, please keep in mind the schedule of religious holidays where possible. Dates for these holidays are available here.
Workday: Remind faculty members to review their personal data stored in Workday here and make necessary updates to:
WMS Online Directory Options
- Home and Mailing Address
- Phone Numbers
- Emergency Contact
Consider checking the box by mailing address so it will appear in the online directory. Personal information cannot be seen off campus by those who are not logged in with a Williams username and password.