
Quick Overview

  • Receive CAP staffing allocation memo in June or early July
  • Begin thinking about the assignment of tasks for the upcoming year
  • If you are completing your term as chair, schedule meetings with the incoming chair to facilitate the transition


Reminder – Tenure materials from assistant professors standing for tenure in the fall will be due to chairs (not the dean of the faculty office) on July 1st.

You will receive a memo regarding 4th year associate professor interim reports and promotion to full professor reports reports.

In July, you will receive instructions for Part II of the annual Staffing Report, which deals with evaluation and review procedures. This memo will include a list of your untenured colleagues including those who are coming up for reappointment or tenure, as well as associate professors coming up for interim review and promotion to full professor. Part II of the Staffing Report is not submitted until the fall, with different pieces coming due in September, October and January. However, it is important to plan ahead for these reports by communicating with those affected and by collecting necessary documentation.


CAP staffing allocations are finalized and reported to you in late June or early July. The dean of the faculty or your divisional representative to the CAP will stand ready to explain the decision. A few points about the staffing allocations are worth noting:

1) Please pay particular attention to any comments the CAP has made with respect to the level of a given appointment (e.g., first-term assistant professor only, rank open, etc.)

2) Once the CAP decisions on staffing allocations are made, you should contact program chairs, stating how much staffing (where applicable) you are authorized to contribute to those programs.

3) Once new positions have been authorized, you may wish to begin advertising for these new positions, in keeping with the traditional advertisement deadlines within your discipline. The wording of all such advertisements should be discussed with Peony Fhagen and Associate Dean for Institutional Diversity before being submitted to professional journals or other publications. You will receive a memo (see July) with some guidelines regarding the text of your advertisements.


Begin thinking about the assignment of tasks for the upcoming year. Examples may include, but are not restricted to: organizing the Class of 1960 Scholars program; coordinating advising for majors; coordinating senior theses; coordinating awards; organizing colloquia; scheduling exit interviews for graduating senior majors; scheduling student interviews or class exchanges/visits for untenured faculty; updating the website.