As chair of a unit, you will likely find yourself in the position of overseeing a variety of major projects. Some of these tasks may be of the sort that occur with some regularity in your unit and will therefore be somewhat familiar to you or others in your unit (evaluation of untenured faculty , preparation of yearly staffing reports, or perhaps running a hiring search for instance.)
Other tasks may be projects that occur less frequently (preparation of a self-study in anticipation of an external review, or reshaping of your unit’s overall curricular structure for instance), for which your unit may have less experience to draw on.
Be sure that you understand the time frame and any deadlines associated with the particular projects, and that you think carefully about the range of groups and constituencies that will need to contribute in some way.
Additional information regarding particular kinds of major projects (including some timing concerns) can be found below:
Part I, Spring Term - Staffing the Curriculum: including especially leave planning and schedules, and, when applicable, staffing requests for tenure track and visiting positions
The college's fiscal year runs parallel with the academic calendar, from July 1 through June 30. For example, the 2023 fiscal year (FY23) is concurrent with the 2022-23 academic year.
The annual budgeting cycle begins late in the fall semester each year, for the next academic year. Instructions and forms are circulated to budget managers in October or November.
[The annual Budget Memo for 2023-24 will be posted here in Oct. or Nov. 2022]
Requests are submitted by the academic units in December, discussed by the Dean, Provost, VP, and CPR during the winter months, and final decisions are made by March.
In addition to setting financial budgets, requests for new staff members (i.e., non-faculty staff) are considered on the same schedule. A form for requesting new staff (partial or whole FTE) is available on the Human Resources website (here).