Current COVID-19 Guidelines for Faculty

Following is basic information on topics of broad concern. Please direct any inquiries to the Dean of Faculty’s office.

As always, if you aren’t feeling well, please stay home, see your healthcare provider if necessary and recover safely!

    • Faculty may continue to require masking in classes and labs at your discretion. To request masks for classroom use, contact your area custodian.
    • Masks are welcome but optional everywhere else on campus.
    • Please deposit used masks in the designated recycling bins located around campus and encourage students to do the same.
    • If you test positive, isolate according to CDC guidance and stay away from campus for at least five days. You should also seek medical advice from your healthcare provider.
    • You may teach and work virtually while isolated if you choose and are able.
    • If you tested positive but had no symptoms, you can return to campus after day 5 (the day of your positive test is day 0).
    • If you were positive and symptomatic, you can return at the point after day 5 when your symptoms have subsided. Loss of taste and smell can persist for longer, so are not part of this calculation.
    • When you do return, please mask at all times on campus through Day 11. There are no other restrictions on your activities during this period.
    • Students who develop symptoms or test positive should immediately contact the Student Health Center for medical advice.
    • They'll be asked to isolate in their own rooms, to pick up meals to go from Dining and to mask whenever out of their rooms.
    • Any student sharing a double with a roommate can contact the Housing team to request use of an emergency room to isolate if their roommate hasn’t tested positive within the last ninety days.
    • Faculty may make individual arrangements with students about coursework during the isolation period, as they would for other illnesses or absences. You aren't required to offer hybrid teaching or individual remote instruction for students who are isolating due to Covid.
    • Students who test positive will be encouraged to inform any likely close contacts.
    • If you've been exposed to someone who has COVID, including someone in your household, please follow the CDC's guidance:
      • Wear a mask whenever you're around other people.
      • Monitor yourself for symptoms.
      • Test on the fifth full day after your exposure, regardless of whether you're symptomatic or not.
      • If negative, continue to mask until day 10. If positive, see the section on positive results above.
    • The college no longer provides free at-home or over the counter testing kits.
    • Now that the declared public health emergency has ended, our Blue Cross Blue Shield plans will cover diagnostic COVID-19 tests only if ordered by a healthcare provider.
    • Employees with Flexible Spending Accounts or Health Savings Accounts may still use them to purchase at-home tests.
    • The college encourages but no longer requires new employees or students to get vaccinated for COVID. 
      • For employees, this change applies to anyone with a start date of July 1, 2023, or later.
      • For students, it applies to anyone who matriculates for the Fall 2023 semester or later.
    • We encourage those who are eligible to get the latest COVID booster, which was released in Fall 2023. Appointments are  available at many local pharmacies. If a campus booster clinic can be arranged, it will be announced at a later date.