Daily Messages
Daily Messages are not sent automatically to retired faculty. If you want to continue to receive Daily Messages, you will need to sign up by sending an email to [email protected]. The entire body of the message should be SUBSCRIBE DM-FACULTY-L followed by your full name.
OIT Support
The Client Services group in OIT is available for limited support with connecting to wireless access on campus and email. You can contact them by emailing [email protected] or calling 413-597-4090. Staff are not able to work on personal computers, hardware or software issues, or make home visits.
Office Computers
As an emeritus, you will be allowed to maintain your primary computer provided to you by the College but it will become your personal computer and you will be responsible for maintenance of that computer. Due to strict licensing, some software will have to be removed from the computer. For example, Adobe products are no longer available through the College for retirees. A member of the Client Services group will discuss the specifics with you, please be sure to contact them if you have questions.
Email and Google drive accounts
As an emeritus faculty member you may maintain your email and Google drive accounts as long as you wish.
Using your email password you may continue to set up an absence message when you are away. (Click on http://oit.williams.edu/help-docs/email/email-auto-reply/ for directions on how to set up the absence message using Williams Email). In addition, your password allows you to use the proxy server to access information only available on campus. For instructions go to http://library.williams.edu/computing/proxy.php.
Student Information System Access
The Registrar’s Office will keep your Student Information System access enabled for a time, but will likely remove that access during their annual account review process. If you wish to continue your access, please contact the Registrar’s Office. If you keep this access, you also need to keep your password up to date. Passwords expire after 180 days. The system will remind you at login if the password is due to expire within the next 30 days. You can log in and change your password at any time prior to the expiration date. If you log in and the password has expired or if the account is locked, contact the Registrar’s Office for help. If you forget your password, you can use the Forgot My Password link on the login page to have a new one sent to you via email.
Courses in Glow
Courses are maintained in Glow for three years in addition to the current year. You will be able to access any courses you have taught using Glow until they are purged from the system under the normal attrition schedule. The password for Glow is the same as your password for your email.